It's time for horror comedies. When it comes to comedies and parodies, it's actually easy to write. All you have to do is take a movie and show how silly the tropes and writing is. So with that in mind, let's take a look at some horror comedies.
Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)

When it comes to horror comedies, this is one of the quintessential movies you need to watch. This parody of Frankenstein has Lon Chaney Jr. and Bela Lugosi, and that is simply amazing. Not only that, but the comedy is pretty top notch. I also liked the fact that Vincent Price makes an appearance all the way at the end. The plot is that Dracula's coffin is an exhibit in a haunted house attraction in LA, Abbot and Costello are hired to move them there, but it turns out Dracula is all too real, and he plans on ressurecting Frankenstein.

Young Frankenstein (1972)

Another parody of Frankenstein, but this is from the perspective of his grandson Fankenstei-er, I mean Fronkensteen. Gene Wilder really plays this up pretty well, you never know when he comes up with something funny in the movie. Mel Brooks went all out with this, even going so far as making it black and white just like the Universal Frankenstein. Even the sequels of Universal Frankenstein gets lampooned, especially the blind man and the inspector with the prosthetic arm.

Dracula Dead and Loving It (1995)

In much the same way Young Frankenstein lampooned Universal's Frankenstein, this film does the same with Dracula. Leslie Nielson does such an amazing job as Dracula, the movie is funny as hell, and the dedication to it is something else. Even the intro looked terrifying, like if it weren't a comedy, it would legit be a scary movie. I even loved the stake scene, the amount of blood kinda reminds me of Monty Python. Just so you know, that's a good thing.

Scary Movie (2000)

What I love about this movie is that unlike other parodies of scary movies, this makes fun of a collection of tropes scary movies often employ. Such as the idea of the main character going the more dangerous way, there were literal signs pointing the way. There was another scene I liked where they made a kind of Blaire Witch style filming and there was snot coming out a woman's nose. Hilarious stuff, I would say this is one of the best of horror comedies.

Scary Movie 3 (2003)

Although not as good as the first, it still gets pretty funny at times. I can forgive the Family Guy style of referential comedy where every horror/thriller movie being released at the time is fused into one movie. I mean, it is funny, and I like that new format. This movie parodies Signs, The Ring, and other movies every scene, but it kinda stays within a single plot. Then there's George Carlin, who ties it all together, not to mention that Charlie Sheen was actually winning before he was "winning".

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Holy hell, this is my first time seeing the British comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Although it had nothing to do with Dawn of the Dead, it's still a hilarious movie about a group of people who find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Of course the only thing they'll do is to head to a pub and wait for the whole thing to blow over. Funny thing is, given how things are going these days, maybe I might do the same.

Scary Movie 4 (2005)

Although the same format as the last movie, I can safely say this is the last Scary Movie-er, umm...movie, that was actually funny in a way it lampoons horror movies all in one. This time it's movies such as War of the Worlds, The Grudge, and The Village. Of course, when you see that the Date Movie, Epic Movie, and Disaster Movie were such utter pieces of shit, this movie kinda had the warning signs. Either way, pretty tolerable for the last of good movie parodies.

Zombieland (2009)

In the middle of college, a nerdy guy finds out the whole world is zombified, he meets up with a grizzled survivor, a young woman and her younger sister in order to travel to the safest place left: An amusement park. Yep, a travelling movie. Keep in mind, these types of movies are hard to fuck up badly, road trip movies always end up good, even if the plot or script doesn't work. This movie is no exception. Pretty funny nonetheless.

A Haunted House (2013)

I tried, I really tried. The movie was completely boring, where there were a few laughts here and there, it had to be padded with boring unfunny jokes. As you can see, this is a parody of Paranormal Activity, now instead of being competent and smart about it as Young Frankenstein was, imagine if you told a bunch of frat guys to write a script for a parody of that movie, give it to a major studio, and let them do their magic. Sure the movie got a few laughs here and there, but it's padded out with boring, unfunny jokes, and the same gay jokes, sex jokes, and fart jokes here and there. I complain that comedy movies these days tries too hard, but this doesn't even try at all.

Nagatoro (2021)

I knew the show was bad before I watched one episode, but I had no idea it was even worse than I imagined. This show makes Nagatoro so unlikable I actually wanted her to be killed in the most violent way possible, and if that doesn't happen by the end of the anime, it just mean that there was no god at all. Nagatoro is an annoying bitch who made the main character cry twice. What an utter piece of shit, where the fuck is Guts when you need him?

So there we have it. Join me next time and we might witness The Return of the Kings.
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