Before we get to the reasons why The Last Jedi sucked, let's go through some of the things we can appreciate from it.
Bringing back the dismemberment
That is one thing that bugged me about the last movie. It was clean as hell and nothing too violent. This is what makes Star Wars so memorable is the Lightsabers cutting limbs apart. That's what Kylo did with Snoke, even though it was a stupid way to die, I'm at least glad the Mortal Kombat style death would lead to a lot more creative deaths.
Kylo Ren losing his stupid BDSM Helmet
It virtually made no sense for Kylo to have his stupid-looking Dildo Helmet if he was just gonna take it off in other scenes. So him bashing his helmet and destroying it beckons images of Jedi-turned-Sith Anakin Skywalker, or the original Darth Vader, complete with death-stare and hood, which is a good thing.
Rey Learning more about the Force
I actually think that for all the other female characters being Mary-Sues, Rey, surprisingly, is the least sue-est of all. See, the whole thing about Rey learning to truly use The Force establishes that she could be even more powerful and could learn a lot. That's what I like to see.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get into the negatives about the film, that outweighs the positives tenfold.
The movie begins when Poe is taunting General German Space German Youth about him not being general, and he screams "I AM TOTALLY A GENERAL!!!!!" while flailing his arms like a baby, instead of, oh I don't know, BLASTING POE AWAY WHILE HE'S RIGHT IN FUCKING FRONT OF YOU!!!??
You're a general of the very empire that took over a fucking galaxy by force, why are you this stupid?!
Oh, that's not all. Right after Poe destroys the Dreadnought by himself and a fleet of Bombers, and allows the resistance to escape, Space Poppins demotes him because reasons...huh? Then they go to hyperspace, but the Order can track them through hyperspace, also Snoke's ship Supremacy is here for some reason. Oh shit, now the Order is attacking the fleet, and sends Space Poppins and Admiral Ackbar in space. Akbar dies, but Space Poppins magically uss the force to pull herself in despite NEVER using the force in the previous four movies she was in. Great, now that anyone can learn the force, I guess everyone is a Jedi now. No need for training, just have plot armor on. Besides, don't you think it's a little creepy to keep a character alive despite the fact that the actress playing her is dead now? Seriously, I'm just getting the goosebumps.
Now Leia's out of commission, so the second in command, Vice Admiral Tumblr, takes charge. Giving a speech about hope while being hopeless, she gets asked by Poe what the plan is. Now any rational person would either explain the plan, or say that the plan would be revealed later, she just insults him and tells him he's reckless. Wow, Admiral Tumblr is a real cunt. Feminism everybody.
So now Poe, along with Finn and some asian chick named Rose, go to the filming location of the first Austin Powers movie to find a guy to hack the shields of the Supremacy, destroy the tracking device, and escape. Sounds good, right? Except the Supremacy should track them anyway. Not only that, but you'd think this side quest would be like on Fullmetal Alchemist where Edward finds out about the Philosopher's Stone's ingredients, but this side quest was more like those shitty fanservice anime like Dragon Maid where you see tits bouncing on screen for 30 minutes, and that was the Side Quest: notihng but bullshit, and of course it fucking fails.
Speaking of Fanservice, Luke himself was treated with the least respect. He was seen as cowardly and unhelpful. It wasn't until halfway across the movie that he actually does train Rey, but after Rey becomes annoying with him and pestering him for the billionth time.
So Admiral Tumblr tells Poe he is out of line, and Space Poppins is back, and they both reveal the plan that they were gonna land on a planet named Space Salt with a lot of shuttles. So now the Order fires upon the shuttles, killing half the fleet. Nice leadership ladies. Now the Order has a cannon, so the resistance took a bunch of junkers to destroy the cannon, until Luke Skywalker shows up and battles Kylo Ren, until we see he's just a Force Projection...I guess that's a thing now. Which means the resistance has time to escape.
Now let's rewind and ask the fundamental question: WHY IS THE MOVIE SO GOD DAMNED STUPID!!!?? I mean, from Admiral Tumblr to the writing, it's obvious this was all one big "men are stupid, we women are smarter because reasons" thing. Yes, SJWs think that Star Wars doesn't have diversity. I guess that's agreeable, that's why they didn't have a black guy named Lando, a woman named Leia, and a variety of alien creatures. Star Wars has always had a female viewership, from the day it was made in 1977, thanks to Leia herself. All you did was alienate not just the older fans, but women, both old and new, away by basically pampering to them and telling them they're perfect and men aren't. Let me tell you white knights about women; they don't like being pandered to, which is why anime like Free!, a fanservice anime that actually pandered to the female gaze, failed commercially.
Seriously, it doesn't take an MRA to realize that the movie was clearly written by bitter feminists and their white knight. Besides, I can name better feminist movies, especially Twilight (I mean the 1998 film, not the sparkly vampire film). So here's my verdict of The Last Jedi:
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