A long time ago in a galaxy that is very near if you take a right at Planet Motherfucker, I played my first Star Wars game on the Nintendo 64. I did like it, and I liked the Demolition game, the starfighter game, the Republic Commandoes, etc. So what caused Star Wars games to suck? Why, when EA started to suck. In fact, they both have gone to the wayside since about 2009.
Notice anything about that certain year? That's when microtransactions seemed to have taken off, and it was originally for mobile games you play when taking a dump. And who ays these microtransactions? Idiots and kids--sorry, that's a bit redundant, kids are idiots.
Now these microtransactions where you have to pay to win seems to have infected all of gaming. If only Team Ninja would just put a volleyball mode in a DOA game like all the other normal fighting games do (even Mortal Kombat did that).

Now EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Capcom, etc. kept at it with pay-2-win bullshit. Let's take for instance the newest Star Wars. They had these things called Lootboxes, where you would pay a certain amount of money for a certain character and perks whatever the character is. Many people bought them in the vain hopes that they get Luke Skywalker or Han Solo or Kylo Ren.
So now that they were banned in Belgium, everyone hates the newest game, and EA lost $3 billion dollars. Thank our violent savior, because that means EA finally felt the sting. Although it feels underwhelming, needs to be higher. I think we should take EA down a notch or two. Maybe two million. I think we let them off too easy.
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