
Is PewDiePie a racist? The answer...when you pay me $1

PewDiePie is totally a racist fuck, he hates jews and is totally a nazi. I mean, just look at him! He looks like he kills six million jews! I'll bet he does every morning! Yeah, I can imagine PewDiePie waking up in the morning in glorious Deutchland Sweden, proudly exclaiming "Ahh, what a fine day to kill six million jews!"

Of course I'm being sarcastic. Pewds isn't fucking racist. Last week, Wall Street Journal claimed PewDiePie was a racist for a video, with the screenshot of some guy holding "death to all Jews," took that screenshot, and pasted it on the article about PewDiePie's supposed racism. The problem? The context was that he went to a website called "Fiverr" where you can pay anyone five dollars to do something you want them to do. So Pewds payed them to hold up a sign that says "Death to all Jews," and have another guy hold up another sign that says "go subscribe to Keemstar." That's right, PewDiePie made a jab at Gnome King himself, and the Wall Street Journal hounded on him for that manufactured outrage.

Now why would WSJ do this? Could it be that people are finally fed up with their bullshit lies and manipulation? Could it be that the younger generation actually get their news sources from other places that are not mainstream? Could it be that WSJ are on their way to becoming irrelevant? So now do they have to lash out at PewDiePie for being generally the most subbed youtuber ever? Could it be jealousy issues? Hmm, no, it can't be, they totally aren't that desperate to MAKE YOU PAY MONEY TO READ THEIR SHIT! Yeah, nice knowing ya, WSJ.

I tried to go to WSJ to read one of their articles, and saw this:

To which I saw this when I clicked Sign In:

Hey, when I spread my page around, be glad I'm letting you read this shit for free!

See, many of these news outlets, like MSNBC, ABC, WSJ, Buzzfeed, Vox, they're all on the last string of relevance, desperately hanging on, so they have to do anything. Man, if I ended up like these fucks, I'd happily od on the Red Pill:

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