
The Misogynerd Strikes Back: Nobody Gives a Shit if Fictional Characters are Gay or Female (Or a combination fo the Two)

There comes a time when incredible sperg outs happen. I remember the Tea Party back in 2009 that kept saying how Obama was literally Hitler 2.0, hilarious, considering Trump supporting morons conveniently swept it under the rug. Don't get me wrong, most of the time it's hilarious when SJRs (Social Justice Retards) really overreact to Trump winning as if their sports team just lost. Yes, it's funny, but you know what's not funny? Creating imaginary major sperg-outs. Like when Star Wars The Force Awakens first came out, I kept hearing about "those darn misogynerds" not liking it because the main character is a female character, nevermind that the Alien Franchise featured a female main character and all those "dudebros" loved it, same with Star Wars. Nevermind the fact that Rogue One became an instant hit, nevermind the fact that the only times I hear about this "rampant sexism" is from people bitching about rampant sexism in nerd culture (No, gamergate aren't real gamers).

I keep hearing about these "dude-bro" freakouts all the time every time a movie comes out with a female cast. Especially with Rogue One. Yes, the movie that made $31 million since opening and going towards $600 million (Forbes.com). Boy, so much for sexist pigs, huh? Nobody gives a shit if video game characters are gay either. Like I heard about this "controversy" about Tracer being gay in a comic, even though it was known about for months, the only people making a big deal about it is Andrew Dobson (A washed-up webcomic artist who spergs out on Twitter), and a few other goons.

What "Dude bros" are you talking about? Name one!

This RagnaFenris guy gets it. I think the only reason Dobson cares now is because he imagines himself as Tracer with another hot sexy lady. Damn, Dobson, I could be trapped in the Sahara for forty days, and I still wouldn't be as thirsty as you!

Hmm, why are these social justice retards suddenly latching on to any media with female characters? Oh, right, because if they create their own, it's always regarded as bad by everyone with a brain due to EVERY OTHER PROBLEM WITH IT that ISN'T the main character's gender or sexual orientation. Like Depression Quest, Gone Home, Sunset, all these games were made by douchey hipsters who can't deal with criticism, and shut down and cry.

So they tried one last time by rewriting Ghostbusters with an all-female cast, made by Paul Feig, a gender-activist (read: smug dipshit) who wanted this "reboot" to combat these "sexist nerds" who just found the movie painfully average. Face it, there is no rampant sexism, there is no rampant homophobia, and the only time there is a negative reaction towards these characters being gay and/or non-male just for being that is from the Manosphere (that certain part of the internet where MRAs, gamergators, incels, and bronies exist, but it's too small to be a problem). Imagine being so privileged that you have time to bitch about imaginary problems that probably aren't a big deal anyway.

NOTE: I haven't seen Rogue One yet, but I know it's gonna be good.

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