There is no such thing as nuance on the internet. For instance, on almost every social media, you're either for Hillary or Trump, and if you're for Jill Stein, both their supporters would demonize you in their own words. Hillary's camp would not have much to say because I can't be considered a MUHSOGGYNEST if I vote for a FFFEEEEEEEMALE, but Trump supporters can throw a "cuck" or two at me then jerk it to whatever harem anime show they like at the moment (Whatever it is, it probably won't be as good as Drifters). SJWs and MRAs are nothing but scum who mislead everyone, and they both wear stupid glasses. Thick-rim glasses should be illegal, and the punishment should be to get punched in the face by me.
So when I talk about Social Justice Whiners, I am talking about dipshit college freshmen (Oh, sorry, I meant freshperson) who think their political opinion is more important than anyone else's. Social Justice is a good thing, but when people not only whine about it, but do borderline illegal things, like threaten, harass, dox, and cause disruption all in the name of social justice, what do they think people like me would think of them? Oh, that's right, we'll denounce them. People like Trump protestors only serve to make Trump look better. All they do is complain about stuff like Microaggression, when all you need to do is grow thicker skin. Also, go back to burning bras.
Also, why do Men supposedly need rights as of now? To be fair, women do seem to hold more privileges in society than men, except when they decide to have sex with multiple guys, make their own video games, become the main character in movies, run for president, decide to walk alone at night, become the pursuer in romantic relationships, have reproductive rights, become a bitch when they take charge, being catcalled, and are held to unrealistic standards. Those damned privileged females, check those privvies, ladies! What I also don't get is why does every movie coming out with female leads suddenly becomes some form of feminist propaganda? Is Metroid feminist propaganda? Not everything with a female lead is feminist propaganda.
Oh, don't get me started about how they always demonize feminists, and I'm talking the real deal, not the phony tumblrinas. Such as for instance, they think of feminism as some sort of bra-burning thing. Yeah, if anyone burns anything, wouldn't that be awesome? This may be how feminism would get respected once more, by burning things. Hell, if a feminist rally let me burn Milo Nanopenis (The guy who looks like Max Headroom) with a flamethrower, then I would totally go to one. Pyromania kicks ass.
Milo Nanopenis Broadcasting from his Mom's Basement.
Thanks to both of them, now either Hillary or Trump would win, and I hate both these people. So thanks alot for ruining America, you jackasses. What should've happened is that me and Elon Musk would prepare a spaceship designed for MRAs and SJWs to be sent on a one-way trip to Jupiter's atmosphere. We'll call it the garbage dump. While we're at it, let's send redpillers, MGTOW, gamergaters, Hillary and Trump, bronies, and every Dunkin' Donuts there as well.
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