
Leafy Is Awesome (Compared to these fuckwads)

Ladies and gentlemen, Leafyishere is a shitty, cancerous youtube user, but acting like he's the worst is nonsense. In fact, I do have a comprehensive list of other internet personalities WAY more cancerous, that if you gave me a choice between any of these people or Leafy, I would choose Leafy 10/10 times.

So without further ado, let's get started:

1. The Amazing Banana Man

Look, as an atheist, this guy's just a jackass. The Amazing Atheist isn't even amazing at all. All he does is go into a preachy anti-feminist thing. He really believes that women don't need rights. MRA, gamergator, and other kind of nonsense, he just reeks of neckbeard. With youtube's new guidelines, we can all say good riddance to that neckbeard fuck.

2. Thundercunt

Yet another smug, pretentious fuckwit who thinks he is defending science from stupid people, but is in fact a stupid person himself.

3. Argon the Fukkkwad

The jokes write themselves.

Yet another fat bearded fuck who is on the anti-feminist train. This time, he claims he's anticensorship, all the while making a petition to ultimately ban social justic as a class on various college campii. Yep, he's a fucking hypocrite. All his Youtube videos are him droning for hours about why feminism is this ultimate conspiracy group out to oppress the poor white males.

4. Mr. Waire Blight

Woah, that's not a woman...

So I had to make sure this wasn't leafyishere in drag, so I asked Leafy if he crossdresses and calls himself Blaire White, to which he replied "Kill yourself" Angered by that statement, I hacked his search history and found this:

Aside from Leafy not liking me at all (Come on, I doubt he even would given that thesis statement), Mr. Blaire White is a shoe0nhead rip-off who is about as unfunny and uncharasmatic. This leads to my theory that if you watch one Shoe0nHead video, you've watched not only all of them, but also her competitors and her knock-offs. So yes, she is a one-trick pony that forgot what her trick was. So he makes videos in which he complaining about SJWs (How original), but this time as a trans person. Yeah, you're not the first trans person to be against his/her own self-interest (Caitlyn Jenner is supporting Trump).

5. Dip Shit Phil

99% of Phil's videos.

Dip shit Phil-er, I mean DarkSydePhil...I mean Dipshit Phil, whatever. All he is is a shitty let's player on Youtube. DSP sucks at EVERY GAME HE PLAYS!! How he still gets a contract with Machinima, still keeps his Youtube career, and is still a scrub at every game he plays I will never understand.

6. Fried

Oh god no!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this abomination from 2007 used to be popular on Youtube. Now please excuse me while I drown myself in bleach.

7. The guys who made "What does the fox Say?"

Remember that cancer? Neither do I. Permission to erase 2009-2013 from everybodies collective memories, please!!!??

8. Keemstar

I know I said it before here, but it needs to be said once more: KEEMSTAR IS CANCER!!! Actually, I may have to end it here at the worst of all youtubers. Yes, I said it, the problem with Youtube is when a racist, bigoted, egotistical fuckface who can destroy youtube careers gets to be the #1 news source on Youtube. Oh wait, not anymore, now that there's Scarce. I subbed to Drama Alert, then unsubbed in a cold act of revenge. What can I say, I'm a heartless fiend!

I really don't need to keep going on, because the more I cringe, the more I resemble a dried-up grape. No thanks, all I can say is that if you're a Youtuber, and somehow Leafyishere is funnier and/or more fun to watch than you, than you may have to quit now because you suck! End of story. Wow, this list got progressively worse, and I haven't even started on the true cancer on Youtube.

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