
How to be Advertiser Friendly on Youtube

Having ads on Youtube is annoying if you're a viewer, however, if you are a content creator, that means more money so you could spend it on drugs and hookers. Wow, could you imagine the likes of I Hate Everything and Ethan Klein doing cocaine now? Hell, Thunderf00t looks like the average pot smoker.

Now that would just be hypocritical of him and his right wing ways. Also, fuck your stupid bunny mascot, bunnies suck!!

Now you always wanted to get payed making videos on Youtube, right? You have the talents and the creativity to make that a dream, right? However, Google can just demonetize your videos if advertisers don't want their ads there.

So how do we create ad-friendly content that may reel in advertisers to put ads on your channel? Why it's easy:

1. No Swear Words

That's right, no swearing whatsoever. That means there is no way you're gonna be edgy anyway. Instead, use the more appropriate words, such as darn, or snipeydoodles...yeah, not exciting, is it?

2. No Violence

If you ever wanted to beat the ever living fuck out of someone on camera, too bad. Not even anime like Dragonball Z or Hellsing can be reviewed, so now it looks like the two anime you have always wanted to review just can't be reviewed, so now you'll have to review Disney Movies or MLP, and both those things suck big time, but what are you gonna do?

3. No Sexual Humor or Anything Like That

Boils down to one thing, and that is to not show this image on Youtube:

4. No Controversial Topics

In English: No opinions allowed. That means no news or anything.

Sounds exciting, huh? Exactly, it doesn't. You might as well have a Patreon account. So this is Google's attempt to get ad revenue to make money, mainly because they haven't even made a single break-even for their ads. Pretty flimsy of them not because of censorship, but it just screws over smaller content creators on Youtube, seeing as how bigger Youtube channels don't have to worry at allbecause they're already making Google and Youtube some money. Not only that, but then Google would not even make any profit due to such strict standards, therefore the potential content creator that could have a massive amount of views and subs could make them profit is now gone. Lost. Stranded in a video hosting wasteland. All because of Youtube having this monopoly.

Okay, without sounding all dramatic, how about instead of demonetizing based on swearing, violence, or controversial topics (which is what every big content creator does get away with anyway), I have a solution to that. how about users get demonetized if their videos are exploitation-based, bigoted, or just plain douchey in any way. If that is the case, then we could say goodbye to the Keemstars and Leafys and the CJSoCools of the world, but that to me seems like a pipe dream. You could just go to Newgrounds and set up a Patreon if you want to go into animation. Go to Twitch if you're a gamer. Go to Vimeo for your artsy fartsy stuff. Hey, maybe wait for a new site like youtube, but better.

This is why Youtube needs competition from other sites, so they could be forced to improve or die. Remember when Nintendo censored their games in the late 80s/early 90s? the reason they did that is because they thought that was offensive to Americans. Then Sega came along, had games on their consoles with blood and mayhem and stuff like that, and suddenly, Nintendo stopped with the censorship, and that is why we see no censorship bullshit at all. I imagine history repeating itself this time around.

All I'm saying is that Google's solution to the problem of advertisers pulling out is simply a flawed solution to a complex problem. Everything is automated on Youtube, even ads, and that's what needs to change, human intervention may be needed now more than ever. To truly be advertiser friendly, you have to have mass appeal or a dedicated fanbase.

Look on the brightside, with these new rules, channels like TheAmazingAtheist, Thunderf00t, SargonOfAkkad, Undoomed, ShoeOnHead, Mundane Matt, and even ArmouredSkeptic may go down. Hey, you know Leafyishere gets a lot of hate, but at least he's a fucking saint compared to these guys.

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