One of the biggest forms of cancer on the internet, besides bronies and MRAs, are something called clickbait. Basically, clickbait is what happens when news sites come up with such loaded titles to entice your curiosity. Then when you get to it, you realize that the article you clicked on is badly written, poorly researched, too drawn out like a lazy High School student's English paper, is just one of those articles that have every alternate word be a link to some other source or article on the internet, yeah, sure buddy, spend six years getting your journalism degree and you haven't even heard of MLA Citations, then to top this shit-cake with a cherry: The article has either nothing to do with the title, or the conclusion is very stupid.
The problem is that this article itself wouldn't even be viewed by a whole bunch of people if it weren't for the title. Kanye and Kim breaking up? Okay, whatever. If you searched Kanye West on Google, and stumbled across this article, then you, sire, are a dumbass. So go ahead and email me about how much I am misleading you, when really, a whole slew of clickbait sites do that every day and get away with it.
The reason why clickbait exists is because when you click on links, you get ads displayed. When you get ads displayed, the advertisers can keep paying the guy who owns the domain to keep the ads up, and when people click on ads, they give them money. So basically, advertisers have to pay domain host owners lots of money to get their ad displayed, so they could reach some new customers. That's how websites make money.
This seems perfect on paper, but in practice, all it does is create empty, vapid content that looks like some guy made a rough draft, then decided to publish it with a snazzy title. This is what is killing journalism. It's gotten so bad, that some websites, and even subreddits, remove content for having click-baitey titles. I think it's time we started policing this practice once and for all.
If you want to look at Buzzfeed, Gawker, and other cancerous sites without giving them ad revenue to see how stupid they are, then visit this archive website. Say you search Buzzfeed (to make it burn even more), all you have to do is copy links for the article(s), then archive them. Do that for all click-bait sites. Together, we can destroy click-baiting once and for all.
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