
Dear Moon-Landing Conspiracy Theorists: You're all Morons

You probably heard it before, the whole Moon-Landing is a hoax, perpetrated by our Government. Nothing gets more buzzkilley than saying that the time Mankind became awesome and went to space to conquer an alien world and planted the American Flag on the ground is all faked. Of course, this all sounds plausible, except a few things here and there.

One common reasoning points to the American Flag planted there, that it was flowing in the wind, as if somehow there was a fan in the studio used to cool down the astronauts in heavy gear. That's all good and all, except one thing: The flag was suspended from an Г-shaped rod. Just look at the pictures, the top part of the flag is straight, while the bottom parts are all crinkled and folded. Another thing is that the gear the astronauts were wearing, if it was on Earth, then cooling this thing with a fan is impossible because air would not go through it.

Another one points to the overlay in the pictures with the crosses. In some instances, some lines appear behind objects, as if they were added later. Well first of all, the lines didn't disappear, they bled into brighter colors.

For example, look at the space craft, where one of the crosses disappeared...or did it?

It would seem to us that the lines disappeared from a distance, that is an optical illusion. However, upon closer inspection, the line washed away in the glare caused by sunlight. So if some overlay was added to the picture, and this happened, then that guy would have to be the worst at Photoshop.

Last one; the conspiritards claimed that the Van-Allen Belts that has a lot of radiation energies that could fry anyone inside would be too hard for spacecraft to pass. Well, that may be true, but the spacecraft the Apollo Astronauts were protected in is made of Aluminum, and the spacecraft flew past the first, and most dangerous one, in only about 2 minutes with no repercussions. Think of it like waving your hand in cold water really fast, you may not feel as much coldness, but if you keep your hand in the cold water, it may be very cold.

See? Someone with a basic understanding about the Lunar environment and Space Science could easily see past all this bullshit. Besides, if all this stuff is true, then what reason would there be to fake a Moon Landing?

Some are saying that it was because of the Space Race, and we must prove to the Soviets that we went to the Moon. So we decided to grab Stanley Kubrick and get filming in the Nevada Desert. Even some guy named Bart Sibrel claimed that the Soviets couldn't detect deep-space probes until 1972, and that's when the Apollo Missions ended abruptly.

The thing is that it didn't end abruptly, it ended slowly. Also, if the U.S. did fake the Moon-landing, then the Soviet Scientists would publicly call it out. The fact that they didn't means something.

Then we hear that it was meant to distract from the unpopular Vietnam War. They didn't take into account that NASA ended the flights due to budget constraints the same time the Government ended the Vietnam War also due to budget problems--in 1972. That means now we get no permanent space station or a manned trip to Mars. Thanks a lot, assholes!

So no, there is no reason to even hoax a Moon-landing. That doesn't stop people like Bart Sibrel going on and on about this thing even to this day. In 2002, he approached Edwin Buzz Aldrin and tried to get him to swear on the Bible that he didn't go on the Moon.

That was what he looked like in 2002 at the time of the incident.
Doesn't this guy make you want to punch his smug-looking face? It makes me want to swing a hook or jab hard against this stupid mug! Fortunately, he did get punched in the face by Edwin Buzz Aldrin.

1:34 is the best part.

I honestly don't know what it is about Conspiracy theorists that makes them act like such dickheads. Maybe it's the fact that they have an ego the size of Kim Kardashian's obese-looking ass, or maybe they have this gaping insecurity so they form this attitude that they have to prove their bullshit and they would be willing to lash out and do this shit because of it. I don't know, but one thing's for certain, they do need a punch to the face.

So to all Moon-landing conspiracy nutjobs, I would suggest either put up evidence or shut the fuck up!

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