
Being Offended doesn't make you Special!

Nothing pisses me off quite like the kind of people who think being offended means you get some god-like power to make everything you hate go away. It doesn't. Being offended does not mean you get to do what you want.

There are so many assholes these days that are acting like spoiled little babies that cry over everything. So many of these so-called "SJWs" that are trying to get things they don't like banned, and it's the simplest of things. All in nerd culture, which are the biggest masochists ever, and the stereotype that they are simply lanky, pale kids pretty much exists for a reason, unfortunately, and this is where the majority of these "NiceGuysTM" originate from. I know, I am a part of that culture. I could say that this is what all the feminists are going for, but even feminists are sick of their bullshit, and are even fighting against this feminazi bullshit (NOTE: I use the term feminazi to differentiate the radical leftists from the logical ones, they exist, people).

I would say that this is all coming from millennials, but this is actually coming from the left and their bullshit for decades. This is the liberalism of Obama and Hillary Clinton.

They claim to be easily offended by depictions of video game characters, and that it makes women uncomfortable. Well, why do cosplayers exist? If women do not like to dress sexy, then why do they do it in real life? Is it the "Patriarchy"? Well, the patriarchy as we all know would actually cover up women until they look like those followers of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.

"Re..uni...on....Se...phi....ro...th...Jen...ov...a!!!" *Received Potion*

A "Feminist" "Critic" who is named Taian Keseraskina (Not her real name, and I do not feel like giving her more recognition now, as brain-dead white knights and she-twinks keep kissing her ass enough as it is) made shit criticism of video games, claiming sexism without the context, like claiming that you kill strippers in Hitman, when you don't have to. She claimed that GTAV promotes violence against women, when it promotes violence against EVERYONE!! Also, she said that Doom 4 and Fallout 4 are too violent. So this isn't the new Jack Thompson? Now for the kicker, because the reason I put feminist in quotes is this: Video Games are too hard for women. What was that sound? Oh, it's just the thousands of normal girl-gamers dying of laughter. No, I wasn't even kidding, look for yourself.

Y'know what's bullshit? She would've been a forgotten nobody if it hadn't been for the victimization of herself by saying that "Ohh, I'm being threatened by gamers!! WWWAAAHHH!!!!"

This is not the feminism I know of. She keeps demanding better female representation in video games, yet when game companies do provide one, she says it's just "Ms. Male Character"! WHAT?! So now she does that whole thing for attention. She does everything for attention. She's nothing but an attention whore! That's why I used a different name. Even women do not like her, and I mean normal women, even normal feminist women, not Tumblrinas.

This is just one example of what a bunch of whiny neo-liberals so many have become. Where did this come from? Why the belief that victimization gives you a free pass in life. Well, let me tell you, real victims may go out publicly of what they experienced, like rape, domestic abuse, etc., but they do not want the attention, they do not want to be instant celebrities, they just want peace, and that is all. This belief that being a victim gets you off the hook for everything has been perpetrated by the media for decades, and now the media got in people's heads. This is why I don't even trust the media at all, for it builds an unhealthy perception of the world.

So what is going on here? Is it some looming conspiracy where some matriarchy is rising? Should we fight back valiantly and hard?!

Fuck no!

This is a call to arms for everyone on the internet to...ignore it?! Yes, ignore these attention seekers, ignore these whores, ignore these crybabies. Play some games, Megaman X, or chess, read a book, make some Tea, draw a picture, go out to a park, to an art museum, a sports game, library, anywhere, and if you see these attention-seekers in real life, play dumb. Start small talk with virtually anyone else. Please...don't give these attention-seekers a time of day, they thrive on it, starve them of it. The louder they are, the more they are ignored.

Oh, and you didn't get this from me, got it?!

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