
Memo to "NiceGuys": You're Not Even nice in Any Form of the Word

A growing phenomena known only as "NiceGuy-ism" is growing at a faster rate. These "NiceGuys" seem to be everywhere. They must be stopped to insure our future.

Okay, I'm just overreacting for humor, but what I'm talking about is just sad, and not funny. A while ago, I saw a video of some masked youtube user who was complaining about how "High School girls treated him like shit, teasing him, leading him on, then fwendzoning him" or some bullshit like that. I know Youtube has rules like how you can't directly make fun of users, but this is Blogger, bitches, so make fun of this edgelord:


Here's the gist of what he's saying anyway:

This is just ONE of the nice guys that we see, because there are a lot more. They complain that only girls go for the douchebags, and not the nice guys. They whine about how they are being "Friendzoned" by their crush, which leads them to bitch and moan online about how "All girls are bitches for friendzoning me and going for the asshole!" Or something to that effect. I have seen memes and pictures made by "NiceGuysTM" from sites like 9gag, virtually the Internet's rectum, to r9k, the internet's asshole.

I can understand when women say they want a nice guy, but by nice, they don't really mean someone who treats them nice necessarily,  because that would be expected regardless. They mean nice as in nice to be around, i.e. interesting, funny, cool, intelligent, etc. Women do not want to be around an insecure, passive-aggressive, spineless, whiny, manipulative douche.

I noticed a pattern here: You "Nice Guys" seem to always go after the typical 10s, while you are a 5 or 6 at best. This is referring to the attraction scale, where 1 is ugliest and 10 is more beautiful. I might be somewhere on 11 because grapes are sexy as hell! That relationship could work, but you'd have to be incredibly charismatic to make that work. These "Nice guys" can't even make it work. For one, there is no common ground. To me, that is the first thing I notice, is always "Either we have at least one thing in common, or I'm out!"

That's how I know that they're not really seeking out a relationship with them, they want to fuck them because they're hot. That's not even nice at all, that's still being shallow, and even more douchier than the "douchebags" that they claim to hate.

But these guys don't even have any common ground with these women. In fact, they seem to be into nerdier things like Star Wars, Comic books, and video games. The hard truth is that these women actually enjoy something else. They watch Grey's Anatomy, they think Bruno Mars or Taylor Swift is the pinnacle of musical genius, they'd rather go into a dark place with flashing lights and shitty music, they would rather watch Magic Mike than The Avengers, and they think shows like Naruto are weird.

How do I know? I ACTUALLY HUNG AROUND THEM!! Holy shit, I actually have a social life and all? Well, I hung around enough in High School, to the point where they're like turds hanging off a poodle's ass! After all that, let me tell you something; LOWER YOUR STANDARDS!! Seriously, you can find someone who shares your interests, but they won't be the 10s that you always seek, instead they would go after the douchebags and assholes...which is actually pretty telling about these girls, and again, I would know.

So yeah, they don't want a relationship, they want to fuck them. I mean, could you even imagine a date between a 9 or 10, with a nice guy? It would be some awkward dinner date with them telling them they're beautiful every 2 seconds.

It gets incredibly painful seeing them on Facebook right after some girl broke up. It always seems they go for it RIGHT AFTER THE BREAKUP!! That's not nice at all, that's an assholish and creepy way of getting a girl's attention.

Look, just because you have a dick, you have a pulse, and you're also "Nice" does not generate actual pussy for you. In fact, you'll die alone, probably a virgin, and nobody will like you anyway.

Well, that does it for this blog, next time on my blog: does Elephant Testicles actually cure autism? Update: It doesn't!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/5/16 19:09

    If women really only dated "assholes", a lot of these self-professed "nice guys" would have no problem getting a girlfriend.
