
Football Has Always Been For Pussies

Recently, there has been a fake controversy regarding NFL and always bringing politics into everything. Last year, Colin Kaepernick took a kneel instead of standing to the national anthem. Why? Because he is protesting the way blacks are treated in America by police or something like that. Despite the fact that segregation isn't an issue, blacks are treated equally, and that year he did take a knee, twice as many white people have been killed more than blacks.1 Now they're locking arms in some pussy-ass protest movement against Trump because they're scared of him dividing them. Oh no, what's Trump gonna do? Is he gonna send you guys to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or something? Give me a break! They're overpayed clowns who catch a ball, who gives a shit?

So why is anyone surprised by this? Football has always been a pussy sport. I mean, I see advertisements making it seem like Football is some tough macho sport, I see the people who like it make it out to be some tough macho sport. I see a lot of pictures and video that makes it out to be this tough sport, yet I see stuff like this:

Nothing says tough and manly like singing Justin Beiber back in his days as a Teeny Bopper, now he makes music only basic white women listen to while cosplaying as Milo Yiannopolus. At least it's not Hatsune Miku or any song from My Little Pony, so it could get worse after all. Not only that, but during half time shows, they put on Beyonce. Yes, fucking Beyonce. And Katy Perry in 2015, Bruno Mars, LMFAO, Lady Gaga, Usher, Nicki Minaj, what the fuck?! I thought Football was for manly men, not a bunch of teenage girls. Next thing you know, they'll have a One Direction member perform. At least have Metallica, Disturbed, Volbeat or Pantera instead.

That's not all. Football players have to wear a lot of protection. Guess what sport has tackling and optional protection: Rugby! Rugby is a lot like Football, only played by men. Even Women's Rugby is manlier than Football. That's right, there is no women's Football division, but there's a women's Rugby division. Let that sink in.

Rugby: Like Football, but for actual men.

Even the women are manlier than Football players.

And look at Football players, do they really look like tough guys? No they don't. Even the women on Rugby Teams look tougher than them.

Colin Kaepernick looks like he belongs in some Slam poetry meet up

Looks like The Thing has a Thing for Football.

Shut Up Wesley! Though Tom Brady looks like he belongs on the Brady Bunch.

I really don't see how anyone is surprised that Football, or Hand-Egg as I'm calling it from now on, just suddenly turned into a bunch of fucking pussies, just like celebrities and Tumblr Anti-SJWs. Yes, if Football Players are sounding like CNN when it comes to Trump, you know you're a humongous fucking pussy.

1. “Police shootings 2016 database.” The Washington Post, WP Company, www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2016/.

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