
A Better Representation of Gamers than Gamergate

Gamers are once again given a bad rep these days. Normally we aren't all bad, but boy do the actions of a few get pounced on by media all the time. Ever since that Law and Order SVU episode in 2015, everyone's been railing against gamers for being racist, sexist, violent sociopaths who are unnecessarily hostile. You see, there is one thing to blame for this: Gamergate.

I have been bashing on Gamergate since day one, and still continue to do so, and won't stop until they fuck off! So I decided to chime in as a "gamer" myself, and will continue to say that Gamergate does not represent me, or all of the sane gamers there are. I'll tell you who does represent me better than Gamergate.

That's right, a spent toilet paper roll with a mean, bearded face on it. You see, this guy is so awesome, he doesn't do bullshit to tarnish gamers reputation, which was already the lowest of the low since the beginning. This little guy will change all that.

How exactly is this little guy a better representation of gamers?

Problem Roll of Toilet Paper Gamergate
Freaked out over an article from a website nobody cares about.
Chased a woman out of her home.
Followers are comprised mostly of misogynists.
Loves using the word "cuck" like a rapid machine-gun of unoriginal insults
Has a terrible Mascot
Is responsible for creating a slew of shitty games, like huniepop...nuff said.
Has the least likable YouTube "Celebrities" (SargonOfAkkad, ShoeonHead, Warcorpse666).

I wanted to go on with this, but thinking about it just serves to make me angrier, so I will leave with this final message to those whoplay games in peace like me: Don't let Gamergate represent us, for normal people like us deserve to not be tossed in with the crazy lot like these asshats.

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