
America's Measurement System Sucks: Let's Change It!!

If somehow we elect Trump as president, then America is fucked! However, what would happen if Donald Trump is the only politician in this election of 2016 that would replace our broken measurement system nationwide with the Metric System? Well, I'd still not vote for him because of other things, but whatever...

It could be: a) Your hair sucks b) Your body sucks, or c) you suck

Okay, enough of me actually Stumping the Trump, I have to make a case for the metric system. It's made by a French guy, Lavioser, who treats convenience like how Male Feminists treats Feminism; as a way to get them laid. Unlike Male Feminists, he actually got laid, and made a useful invention that helps us in everyday life.

 The Metric System uses Meters for distance, grams weight, Celsius for temperature, etc. A meter is 100 Centimeters, and 1,000 Millimeters. Take a ruler, and draw on a huge piece of paper 100 centimeters.That's a meter. See how easy it was to make a meter? So now you don't have to complain in the comments section "duuuuhhhhh...wuts a meter?!" to which I will reply "Holy fuck! Go jump in dogshit!" because I just showed you how awesome it is. This doesn't change the fact that America is still too stupid to see how awesome it is.

Even Hideo Kojima thinks you're a fucking dumbass.

 Centimeters, millimeters, kilometers, these are just meters multiplied by our base mathematics; 10. So we get an entire set like this: 
  • Millimeter- 1/1000th of a meter
  • Centimeter - 1/100th of a meter
  • Decimeter - 1/10th of a meter
  • Meter -  1 Meter (No shit!)
  • Dekameter - 10 Meters
  • Hectometer - 100 Meters
  • Kilometer - 1000 Meters 
See how easy that it? Unfortunately, America has decided to not get with the program by adopting the metric system, instead we go with  the imperial units.That's the one where there is 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet in a yard, and 1760 yards to a mile. Not seeing how stupid that is? Well, here's a chart I found on it so you could see how useless our measurement system is:

As for temperature: Well, see this chart for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius:
Remember this image, download it, or whatever. Remember this equation. Do the equation everyday when you're watching the Weather Channel with the smooth jazz music. If you suck at math, then don't suck at math. Not sucking at math makes it easier to do this equation, so don't suck at math. Oh, and America is only one of a pitiful few countries that have not yet adopted the Metric System. Instead, we decided to use the Imperial System. It looks like the Metric System got dumped in Toxic Waste. Using the Metric System is a testament to convenience worldwide. 

    In case you're wondering why Antarctica doesn't use the Metric System, it's because Penguins are too busy freezing to death to worry about such nonsense.

    There are arguments against adopting  the Metric system, such as it's too hard to get acquainted, or it's not American at all. Yes, people, some dumbasses in America don't like to use the Metric System because only pussy-ass dickless Europeans use it. 

    I just showed you dumbasses  how much a meter is. Just use a fucking ruler, they have both inches, and centimeters. In fact, there are efforts to teach kids to use the metric system in the past two decades. Our imperial measurement system is so bad, that the pussy-ass dickless country that invented it decided not to use it anymore, and replaced it with something much better.

    Use grams, not ounces. Use Liters, not cups. Use meters, not feet, or yards, or miles.So please do us a favor, and do your part as an intelligent American to use the Metric System instead of the current measurement system. Thank you!

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