
There is no Russian Conspiracy You Idiots

For the longest time, conspiracy theories came and went. This one came, and I wish it would just go away-Oh, I mean Pokemon Go Away like Clinton Pokemon Went Away.

So far, the Mainstream Media keeps on going on and on with the theory that Trump has ties to Russia, and Russia hacked the election to make sure he wins. It all started at the end of the election right at the time of the DNCLeaks where private documents were released that detailed all info about the Democrats. Notice a problem with the whole story? Okay, I'll tell you:


In fact, this was all related to the DNCLeaks, because the hacking was done in Russia. If you know anything about Russia, you'll find that the internet isn't very secure there. Places like Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia is where there is poor internet security, which is where hackers operate because it is least likely to leave traces and get caught. The hackers might not even be Russian, they could be from America or Europe or Canada. See, I haven't researched into this yet and already I'm blowing your theory out of the water. Seriously, if someone has hacked and revealed the Democrats' corrupt secrets, chances are, the hackers are not to blame for Trump winning, it's the Democrats' own corruption and incompetence.

Let's be real, was it Russian Hackers that made Hillary Clinton lie under oath during the Monica Lewinsky Scandal? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton attempt to cover the whole thing up? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton cover up Bill's history of sexual assault by threatening his victims with legal action? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton support the Iraq War? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton lie about Benghazi? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton mishandle top secret information on her private email servers? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton leave 4 dead Americans in Libya after ignoring security requests? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton blame the Benghazi attacks on a Youtube Video? Was it Russian Hackers who made Hillary Clinton fuck over Bernie Sanders in the primaries this election? If you answered no, then congratulations for having at least one brain-cell, because the only reason Trump won is because Clinton lost.

That's the reason SJWs are REEEEing about Russia; because they are looking to blame Hillary's loss on something else other than Hillary (Because responsibility is scary!!), and who else to blame it on other than the only White Christian Empire these lunatics fantasized about fighting ever since Chad stole Stacy and vice-versa from them in High School. These kinds of people can't deal with the fact that they lost, all because Twunp is a big ol' meanie-head who hurts peoples' wittle feewings Grow the fuck up, people, you're in college by now, about to enter the real world, and you're afraid of hurt feelings?

All they can take away from this is that they should be like sheep when that sees a fence, and:

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